Friday, February 05, 2010
How Are We Saved?
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Catalyst 09 - Compassion Moment
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
One Dollar More
I wanted to share with you something that we are going to try during the month of February. As most of you know we have been studying through the New Testament letters of 1,2 and 3 John. We will be wrapping up the series actually on Valentine’s Day, which is interesting since the driving force of John’s letters could be summarized in this statement: When you know the truth about Jesus you love. So as you can see, there is a love theme going on here. What we are going to do is enact the power of love on people in our community through a project called, One Dollar More.
Here is how One Dollar More is going to work. What we are going to ask is that everyone who attends our worship service put in one dollar more in the offering plate. So if you usually put in $50, put in $51—simple, right? Then what we are going to do is take the total attendance for the worship service and take out one dollar for each person attending. So, if there are 150 people attending on Sunday, we will take out $150—again, simple. We will then use that money to help someone in the community. It may be a single mom who can’t pay her heating bill. It may be an elderly woman who can’t pay rent in February. We want to show God’s love in a simple and practical way. In fact we already have a family that we are going to assist with our dollars from the offering this Sunday (February 7th). You will learn more about them this weekend.
Okay, let’s go over this one more time. Each Sunday, during the month of February put one more dollar in the offering plate. If you don’t give anything, why not try giving four dollars during the month of February and see how God uses your money. Also, if you have kids, this is a great way to connect them with how God uses our gifts. If your kids have an allowance, encourage them give one dollar each week. If your child has never given, challenge them to do chores around the house to earn a dollar so they can put it in the offering plate each Sunday. Then each Sunday, they will see for themselves the power of giving in love.
One last thing, I need your eyes and ears in the community. If you come across a need where our, One Dollar More money can go, please contact me. You are the church and wherever you go you represent Christ and his church. If you come across a neighbor that is struggling or a co-worker that can’t make ends meet, let me know. We want to share God’s amazing love in a simple and practical way!
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Recent E-Mail and My Response
Good morning, I was looking at your web site and I was wondering what your take is on instrumental music. And Why do you down grade the worship of our Lord with encouraging people to come dressed "comfortably"? What if comfortable to some are short shorts and tank tops??? Seems odd to me that people are getting away from the reason we are to be attending church.. The true christians of this world are going to be the ones that stand out because of what we do NOT do, not because we tag onto the shirt tails of the majority.. After all, when you read the scriptures, where is the majority of the population going to spend eternity? Now you know why!
My Response:
Thanks for checking out our website. Regarding your first question about instrumental music, we use instruments in our worship service. We have many skilled musicians and it is such a joy to hear and see them as they help lead our worship services.
Your second question, "Why do you downgrade the worship of our Lord with encouraging people to come "comfortably"? I guess I don't understand what you are asking. What does manner of dress have to do with worship? Jesus told the woman at the well (John 4) that true worshipers worship in spirit and in truth. That was in response to a question about whether true worship required a specific location. Need I also remind you that King David danced in his underwear...his wife was critical and God cursed her. Be careful about making judgments when you don't know a person's heart--only God knows that. The whole idea of "dressing up" for church is man made...Jesus never made that a mandate for his followers or those seeking him. Did the prostitutes/tax collectors have to clean up before they came to Jesus?
One last thing. You pointed out that only a few are going to spend eternity with the Lord. You speak truth. But that is not God's desire. He desires that everyone would come to Him. He is patient doing whatever it takes to get them to Jesus. The whole thought of people spending eternity in Hell breaks my heart, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to make that "few" as big as possible.
Remember, we are on the same team. We may do things a little bit differently but we love Jesus with all of our hearts and we strive to be obedient to the Scriptures.
Grace & Peace,
Tom Steele