Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Drive Conference: Changing the Filters

I am down here in Atlanta, Georgia for Drive at North Point Community Church. The conference began last night with a session from 7:30 to 9:30. Andy Stanley talked last night about "Replacing the Filters". Here are a few talking points from the session:

  • Non-Christians think that church is for church people.
  • In communities around the world there is an incredible hunger for God...but the church gets in the way. The church is an obstacle not a conduit.
  • Stanley examined Acts 15 as an example of how first century church tried to "get in the way" with people becoming Christians through circumcision.
  • Here is a verse to put to memory and have your church live out: "It is my judgement, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God" Act 15:19
  • The Gospel (Good News) has to be easy and accesible.
  • The natural gravitational pull in churches is to become "insiders". Meaning that we make it difficult for the "Gentiles who are turning to God" How is your church keeping outsiders from coming in?
  • We need to be more committed to reaching then to keeping. (Why? The ones who will be leaving are going to go to heaven any way.)
Just a few thoughts from last night. I will give you more later.

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