Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Congo War Refugee Rescue

I'm a part of pastor prayer group in Iowa City/Coralville/North Liberty called EPIC. We meet each Tuesday to pray. Over the last year our group has had a couple join us for prayer, Justin and Binua Matiyabo. They lead a church in the Coralville called, King of Glory Church. The Matiyabos are refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo, a country that has been and continues to suffer horrible atrocities. Thousands of people are killed on a daily basis and there continues to be thousands of refugees trying to find safety and shelter (If you have seen the movies, "Blood Diamonds" or "Hotel Rwanda" that gives you an idea of the evil that is taking place in the Congo now). Justin and Binua still have family in the neighboring country of Benin who are currently living in a refugee camp. We want to rescue them and others. Check out this video and consider how you can help out in bringing these people to safety.

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