Here are a couple more questions from Sunday.
"Can demons still come inside of people like they did in the Bible?"
"Do evil spirits still exist in today's society or can the claims of them be explained?"
My answer would be "yes." I have talked to missionaries and read articles and books by missionaries who have described cultures where the people believe in evil spirits and demons and where demon possession have been observed. So I think that demon possession is still a reality in this world.
Here is a link to a biblical study on Demons done by Mark Moore a professor at Ozark Bible College. The essay looks at how demons operate from a biblical perspective. I found it to be very helpful. Here is a quote from the essay.
So the question exists, "Why don't we see more demon possession here in the United States? Here is a quote from the essay by Moore.
"The dominant tools of Satan in America have been materialism, scientism and naturalism. As we become disillusioned with these and turn to spiritism, we can expect to see a rise in demonic activity, including possession." ~ Mark Moore
I'm fairly confident that Satan and his demons are very active and engaged in the western culture of the United States, it just looks different because as a whole we don't believe in "spiritual things." Now that doesn't me that you can't spot demonic activity. Anything that distorts truth, upholds sexual immorality, profanes God, seeks the destruction of human life, essentially anything that is evil is influenced at some level by demon or demons.
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