Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Talmidim

"The Hebrew word for disciples is "talmidim" and in Jesus' day, it was common for a group of talmidim to follow and learn from a rabbi. These disciples were usually in their teens when they began to follow a rabbi, and most of Jesus' disciples were probably fifteen years old or younger.

Being a disciple of Jesus-a talmid-was not a simple matter. It was a radical and life-changing commitment. Jesus' twelve talmidim ultimately followed in the footsteps of their rabbi: They changed the world, and most of them gave their life in the process.

As we learn about the disciples' life and goals, Christians are challenged to imitate the radical lifestyle of a talmid as we follow our Rabbi." ~ Ray Vander Laan at

1 comment:

Tom said...

This is interesting. I have always thought that the disciples were about Jesus' age. Many of them could have been much younger. This could be why they had foolish arguments among themselves about who was the greatest. Peter was married at the time of his calling. Matthew was already a tax collector and Simon the zealot was already known as a zealot.