Sunday, July 27, 2008

"That's My Story" - Resource

I just wrapped the message series, "That's My Story" today (you can listen to it here) and a few folks have asked about some more resources to study and explore the whole concept of God's Story. I first came across the whole idea in a book written by John Eldredge entitled, "Epic - The Story God Is Telling and the Role That is Yours To Play." So I would start by picking up a copy of the book (which isn't very long and easy to read...if you were wondering). Or if you just wanted to take a look at something right now, you can go to the book's website,

Hopefully that helps some of you on your journey of joining God in the story that he is writing.

"I had always felt life first as a story--and if there is a story there is a story teller." ~ G.K. Chesterton

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