Thursday, September 04, 2008

Book Review: Walking With God

John Eldredge talks an elusive topic in a way that only he can do. If you are remotely familiar with Eldredge he presents Christian teachings in ways they are rarely communicated. For example he is big on communicating the Gospel as "The Story," and he does a fantastic job of doing so in his book Epic. So what Eldredge does in his book, Walking With God is communicate what it looks like to live in relationship with God through story. More specifically, his story. What you get when you pick up the book and begin to read are John's journal entries from one year of his life. The idea it to paint this picture about what his relationship looks like in real and practical terms. This is not a, "How to do it" book or "Three steps to following Jesus" instead it is one Christ follower revealing how he walks with God.

Overall, I enjoyed the book. It pushed me in some areas I had never ventured, in particular listening to God...especially in the insignificant details of my life. I have always been the type who figured I could handle the little things in life and I would let God take care of the rest. I have never thought that God wants to lead every part.

Another area was the idea of listening to God. Now, I don't want to freak anyone out but after reading the book and doing some journaling of my own I'm fairly convinced that God does have a word for each of us. Let me clarify by saying that first and foremost God speaks to us through the Bible and everything that is communicated to us must be filtered through the truth of God's Word. With that being said, when we are quite and ask God and if we listen I, really think that he has something to say to us. Maybe in the future I will share a couple of recent personal examples.

Not really any negatives except it drags in spots, but if you think about it what do you expect when you are reading another person's journal. There are spots that are very intriguing and spots where you kind of skim. Aside from that I would recommend finding some time to read Walking with God. If you would like to know more about it you can listen to a podcast of the book if you are a subscriber to iTunes. Just go to the iTunes store and search John Eldredge or Walking with God. The book also has a website that serves as a great resource as you read the book. You can check it out here.

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