"But Wright is far from finished. His long-awaited game Spore (for Windows and Macintosh PCs) engages players with a variety of gameplay features from first-person shooters, strategy games and, of course, simulations."
The writer from USAToday goes on to interview Wright about the game which allows players to create their own creatures which is turning out to be a very popular aspect of the game. This particular question and response intrigued me:
Q: There has been some discussion online about whether the game promotes evolution or intelligent design. What would you tell people interested in either side of that discussion?
A: I think the game is really trying to give an overview of evolution in a way that is very toy-like and caricature-like. We put the player in the role of an intelligent designer. When we first started the prototypes (of Spore) that wasn't the case. We had the game carefully mutating things and it just was not emotionally engaging. When we put the players in the role of intelligent designer then people were much more emotionally attached to what they made.
We live in a culture that has removed the possibility of an intelligent designer resulting in people acting toy-like and caricature-like. Truth be told there is an intelligent designer who is engaged in his creation. So much engaged that he will do whatever it takes to bring them back to him."God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." ~ Genesis 1:31
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." ~ John 3:16
You can read the whole story here.
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