What about people that teach from the Bible and believe what they are teaching is from God, but their message seems twisted. Are these people demon possessed?"
Probably not. Here's why. The people described in the Bible as being demon possessed are not people that you would want to be around, with the one exception
maybe being the slave girl who could tell the future (Acts 16:16). The rest of the demon possessed people were freakish. They were afflicted with some type of physical ailment. They were violent, suicidal, homicidal, possessing some type of mental illness, sometimes running around naked, and possessing incredible strength.
People who preach or teach a false message may be charismatic but for the most part don't portray characteristics of being possessed by a demon. Read what Paul writes to young pastor Timothy.
The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron." ~ 1 Timothy 4:1,2
What Paul is teaching here is that the teachers are not necessarily possessed, they have instead allowed their "consciences" to be seared. What that means is they have chosen to reject truth and instead have allowed their consciences to be influenced by false teaching. Let me give you an example. For example a demon might tempt a teacher or preacher in regard to that person's pride or ego. That individual might want people to listen to him or her and so they might say things that are not necessarily true simply to draw a crowd or get strokes from people. Are they possessed? No, they are sinnful people being influenced by demonic activity.
Why does God have angels if He doesn't really need them? Why doesn't He just do things Himself if He's omnipresent?"
That is a really good question and one that I had as I was putting the message together. Biblically, I can't find an answer to that question. Here is something I read as I was putting the message together:
"Of course, God would not have to use angels in carrying out the details of His plan, but He has chosen to do so. This does not mean that we worship angels any more than we would worship the circumstances or the friends God might use in carrying out His plan. But since He has chosen to use them, we should give due consideration and thanks to God for angels. In an old church in Scotland are inscribed these words which put the matter in proper balance: “Though God’s Power Be Sufithink to Governe Us, Yet for Man’s Infirmitie He appointeth His Angels to Watch over Us.”" Ryrie, Charles Caldwell: A Survey of Bible Doctrine. Chicago : Moody Press, 1995, c1972
So my opinion is that God uses angels as go betweens with humanity because it gives humans something a little more tangible. Since God is spirit, we don't always "see" His work and at times we question if something is from God. This was even more true before Scripture was readily available for all people. The angels that make there appearances in the Old and New Testaments clearly communicated God's message so that the listeners knew without a doubt what God wanted. A great example of this is the appearance of Gabriel to Mary and Joesph. "
Does the possessed person know that they are possessed?"
The Bible doesn't say specifically, but what I can deduce is that the answer would be yes. In the account of Jesus healing the demon possessed man in the cemetary of Gerasenes (probably the worst case of demon possession in the Bible) after Jesus heals the man the man begs and pleads to go with Jesus. Why? Because he knew how bad his life had been. He knew that his life had been a wreck until Jesus healed him. But notice what Jesus wanted him to do. Jesus wanted this man to go back to town and tell his story. Quite frankly the man doesn't have much of a story unless he was aware of his demon possession.
What do you do if your mom's in a spiritual battle?"
You know, personally this sermon really heightened my awarness of demonic activity in my life. One of our greatest oversights is to ignore the role of Satan and demons in our life. So in helping people with the spiritual battles they face the greatest thing we can do is pray for them. Paul wraps up his Ephesian letter by emphasizing the armor we should wear to withstand the attacks of the Enemy. The last item listed is prayer.
Pray at all times on every occasion in the power of the Holy Spirit." ~ Ephesians 6:18
Most of our prayers look more like a Christmas list. God fix this, give me this, and help me with this. However, if what Paul says is true (and I believe it is) we should be praying for ourselves and others in regards to protection from demonic attacks. We are always so quick to pray for physical healing but what about spiritual protection and healing. So I would suggest that the most important thing that you can do is pray for your mom's heart and spiritual protection.